About Mattias

About Matt

A father of five, Matt is first and foremost a family man dedicated to loving and providing for his children. Many people call Matt their friend because he has enjoyed good times with them, but more importantly, because he has stood by his friends and supported them in their difficult times. Matt is dedicated to self-improvement and spends a great deal of time researching and studying to further his path of personal and professional development. Renowned for his teaching expertise, Matt is respected because his clients can tell he is genuinely concerned about their safety, happiness, and well-being.


Civilians, Security Companies, Executive Protection, Law Enforcement, Military

Travels to train and research

Indonesia, Thailand, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark

Travels to teach

Thailand, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Malaysia, Germany, Romania

Martial background

A description of your lifetime of study from childhood to the present.

Documented martial certifications

AMOK! Instructor


Indonesian Arts